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18 ways you can systematically succeed as a change maker

Reading Time: 11 minutesMany of us are change makers in one form or another, even if we don’t identify ourselves as such right away. But it’s one thing to advocate for change and quite another to bring that change successfully through to realisation. In complex organisational structures with multiple stakeholders, the make or break, it seems, is socialisation.

The absolute need to challenge (even if you’re not a challenger brand)

Reading Time: 14 minutesEvery day, business owners are pitched opportunities to take their brands in a ‘new’ direction or to stay the course—by colleagues, by their agencies, because of the actions of competitors or by delegations of customers or suppliers. When everyone has a tactic and everything is presented as a panacea, how do you sift the wheat […]

This blog is now closed

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s been a whole lot of fun writing the posts for this Upheavals blog for so many years. I’ve had a blast, and met some great people (many of whom will be forever friends), but everything must come to an end. I can’t see myself travelling or speaking to groups for some time. So I’ve […]

Quickly make 5 major brand strategy decisions

Reading Time: 6 minutesFive major brand strategy decisions can help marketers and business owners quickly define the key connective elements of their wider brand definition. These crucial decisions provide a secure framework for then fully strategising successful brands. The major brand strategy decisions you should focus on first The nature of the customer need you are looking to […]

Introducing the Brand Definition Funnel

Reading Time: 11 minutesWe’re all aware of the consumer decision journey that describes how buyers come to decisions. But if you’re a marketer building a brand from scratch, or you are charged with reviewing what a current brand’s future looks like, how do you review all the options you need to consider in order to make critical decisions […]