Become the culture that drives your brand to succeed

Culture is absolutely the engine-room of strategy. Setting clear expectations for those you trust to perform lies at the very heart of the Principled Culture. Motivate your people to take your company forward and deliver what your strategy requires, in ways that the brand expressly values.


If your culture is not thriving, reset the principles that underpin how you work together and use these to re-establish pride, belief and momentum.


If you lack the culture to deliver your strategy, identify what needs to shift and look to energise and motivate your people around a distinctive belief system .


If you are merging or acquiring businesses, forge a next-era culture that acknowledges the people who are joining you and makes them feel welcome.


If you prefer to focus on one or more aspects of your brand culture, concentrate your efforts on resolving the key elements you’ve identified as priorities.

Three ways
to build a principled culture

Culture to Thrive

Culture to Thrive is a strategically-focused approach to big picture brand culture change for owners wanting to align their people, strategy and core principles.


Our workshops help you work together to choose the defining aspects of your culture and merge these into an integrated and competitive brand cultural code.



Resolve individual elements of your brand culture:

+ Purpose
+ Vision
+ Mission
+ Values
+ Personality
+ Behaviours



Trade Me

Culture as an avatar

Cato Brand Partners

Other companies might choose to express what’s important to them on paper, but New Zealand’s largest trading platform took an unconventional approach to representing their values. They decided to bring them to life in a series of distinctive avatars.

See more work

Charter Hall

The power of staying true

Charter Hall has built a highly successful business around their deeply aligned culture. We’ve worked with a number of their teams to ensure their internal touchpoints – from policies to events to initiatives – always reflect the things they hold dear.

Lead the way


We can help

Identify the type of brand culture you need to accomplish your strategy

+ Balance cohesion and diversity by focusing on what will bring people together emotionally

+ Build out specific elements of your cultural code that need updating



Recent projects include

+ Digital

 + Energy

+ Government

+ Health

+ Transport



Is your brand culture a principle strength?

There’s huge power in being purposeful. When you define what your brand culture stands for, why those principles are so important and what they mean, your people can move forward effectively and collectively.