Stories keep your brand interesting
The stories you tell and the language you use help define you in the market. Stories frame change. They bring your strategy alive. Storytelling brings your people, your customers and your suppliers together. Your stories and your language help make you an articulate company.
If you want your customers and prospects to understand you better, become a company with a far-reaching story to tell. Then share it with the world.
If your story has many parts, find ways to bring them together and give the elements relationships to ensure your whole story is followed and enjoyed.
A powerful pitch is about more than who you are. Tell the story of why your company deserves to win the business you want.
How you write should be a signature element of your brand. Put a powerful and common brand language system system around all of your communications.
Three ways to become
a more articulate company

Investing in how language works
Cato Brand Partners
Infrastructural investors Infratil were looking to align their tone of voice in their communications with an increasing range of stakeholders. We workshopped how they could structure their language to stay flexibly on-brand.

Meridian Group
Integrated Report 2022
This comprehensive integrated report layers powerful messages around the need to take action on climate change with clear reporting to stakeholders on key activities. The Report won the New Zealand Integrated Reporting Awards 2022 for listed (NZX) companies.
We can help
+ Understand how all your content works together
+ Know why you want to be known, and what you want to be known for
+ Give your brand a distinct voice
+ Effectively pitch your brand to others
+ Find and tell the stories that define you
+ Report to stakeholders with confidence and ease
Recent projects include
+ Agribusiness
+ Building and construction
+ Education
+ Energy
+ Government
+ Healthcare
+ Infrastructure
+ Professional services
+ Property and placemaking