Proving brand effectiveness: Five success criteria for brands

Reading Time: 6 minutesIf you’re responsible for growing a brand, what are you trying to achieve? What does success look like? Some measure awareness. Others look at penetration. Or campaign results. But here are the five success criteria for brands that we look to use to judge progress over time and for proving brand effectiveness. Our five success […]

Set your brand’s strategic direction with these three decisions

Reading Time: 5 minutesRobust brand strategy is responsive, taking its cues from a range of places that together provide a clear and simple map for what a brand needs to do to move forward. With so many ways you could go, here’s where we recommend you look to pinpoint what’s really needed to set your brand’s strategic direction. […]

A Brand Change Response Framework for leaders facing change

Reading Time: 5 minutesWithout exception, a brand strategy is a response to a change somewhere in the business. But choosing which aspects of change to act on, and those to ignore or deprioritise, is critical to successful strategy, given that everyone is operating on limited resources. To resolve this, we’ve developed a Brand Change Response Framework where we […]