Proving brand effectiveness: Five success criteria for brands

Reading Time: 6 minutesIf you’re responsible for growing a brand, what are you trying to achieve? What does success look like? Some measure awareness. Others look at penetration. Or campaign results. But here are the five success criteria for brands that we look to use to judge progress over time and for proving brand effectiveness. Our five success […]

How to develop a brand positioning strategy

Reading Time: 12 minutesThe purpose of a brand positioning strategy is to identify the particular place in the market you want to dominate and where you can best deliver value. To do that, you need to mean something specific to customers. And to establish clear space between where you are and where others sit in the market. This […]

Three ways brands are evolving – and what we think that means

Reading Time: 4 minutesAs brand marketers continue to search for ways to keep brands relevant, some recent inputs from Wharton on how brands are evolving are worth noting. Meaning vs moment Americus Reed has observed that the connection shoppers are looking to build with brands through purpose and vision spurs the need to build “a very deep, well […]

Three different types of brand strategy

Reading Time: 4 minutesBrand strategy is often thought of one thing. At Audacity, we describe it as the ability to imagine a future for a brand to look forward to. An anticipated history. The implication is that one set of strategic skills is needed. Except that, confusingly, brand operates in a range of settings– and the strategic skills […]

Setting timeframes for your strategy

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe purpose of brand strategy is of course to envisage a future for your brand: to project beyond current circumstances to where your brand might be. But, in terms of actually setting timeframes for your strategy, how far ahead should you be thinking? An important decision Every brand strategy is a speculation – an attempt […]

Participation versus disparity for brands

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s tempting to think that talent and tenacity are all your brand needs to succeed. But the biggest challenge every brand faces is disparity: the ability to forge a profile in their sector that stands them apart from everyone participating around them. Right now, across the world, hundreds of different people are opening a coffee […]

Different ways to think about differentiation

Reading Time: 4 minutesIf you can truly find a difference for your brand, you should pursue it. But the difference needs to be meaningful to your audience. And you need to recognise it won’t last. Differentiation is an idea that has become controversial in recent years. Acknowledging that, here are some different ways to think about differentiation. The […]

Set your brand’s strategic direction with these three decisions

Reading Time: 5 minutesRobust brand strategy is responsive, taking its cues from a range of places that together provide a clear and simple map for what a brand needs to do to move forward. With so many ways you could go, here’s where we recommend you look to pinpoint what’s really needed to set your brand’s strategic direction. […]

A Brand Change Response Framework for leaders facing change

Reading Time: 5 minutesWithout exception, a brand strategy is a response to a change somewhere in the business. But choosing which aspects of change to act on, and those to ignore or deprioritise, is critical to successful strategy, given that everyone is operating on limited resources. To resolve this, we’ve developed a Brand Change Response Framework where we […]

How to decide if you need a brand strategy

Reading Time: 3 minutesYou have a brand, whether you realise it or not. It may not be the brand you want, or even the one you thought you were – but it is a brand, nevertheless. It represents how you are understood by the market, buyers and your own people. To consciously change or build that understanding, you’ll […]

8 things your brand strategy framework should address

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe goal of a robust brand strategy framework is to bridge now and an agreed point or points in the future. Without this reference it is too easy to get distracted and sidetracked. Without a clear brand strategy, there is also no roadmap for cultural alignment, for long-term storytelling, for investment and for divestment. Your […]

Should your brand commit to a deliberate strategy?

Reading Time: 10 minutesA deliberate strategy is one that locks your brand into an approach for the foreseeable future based on clear data and harnessing the resources of the organisation to make that happen. It is a highly intentional strategy – motivating people to come together and work, in harmony, to accomplish defined goals. But is it the […]