Now showing on Branding Strategy Insider

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Branding Strategy Insider

I’ve been a fan of the good people at Branding Strategy Insider for many years. Regular readers will know that I have quoted a number of the site’s contributors on a number of occasions. So I’m absolutely thrilled that they’ve chosen to pick up a number of my posts in recent days and to feature them on the site:

Creating a Powerful Brand Manifesto explains how and why every brand must be prepared to nail its colours to a church door;
A Brand that Discounts or a Discount Brand examines the fundamental difference between brands that use discounts strategically and those that practice “value” pricing;
Brand Advantage and the Reason for Buying looks at why brands need to be able to identify a reason for buying that provides buyers with sufficient incentive to chase a result;
Evolve or Transform? 17 Brand Factors examines the difference between what brands must do to evolve and how far brands must be prepared to go to transform.

Thoughts, reactions and comments to all of these articles are most welcome.

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