Reading Time: 7 minutes There’s a lot of things that brands keep doing that can turn their value south. By way of a checklist, these are the things I see happening far too often.
Tag: brand growth
How to effectively manage under-performing brands
Reading Time: 5 minutes Smart brand managers actively manage their brand portfolios for maximum collective and individual brand return. If you’ve recently re-assessed your brand portfolio and identified what appear to be one or a number of under-performers, there are a range of options you can pursue to fix that situation.
5 ways to make sure your brand stays relevant
Reading Time: 5 minutes One of the hardest judgment calls for brand managers is relevance. Brands must change to stay consistent yet they must also remain recognisable in order to preserve brand equity. So what should you change, and when?
When brands change hands: 6 decisions for new owners
Reading Time: 4 minutes If your brand is taken over by another company or your company takes over other brands, either as a stand-alone buy or as part of a broader merger and acquisition, what aspects of your current brand should stay as they are and what might you look to change?
There’s a yawning chasm between brand theory and brand practice
Reading Time: 4 minutes As marketers we come close to taking brands for granted. But while many would say they now get the theory, the practice of brand-building is not as simple as they might like to believe.
Do brands have a finite size?
Reading Time: 4 minutes Marketers talk about brands as vehicles for growth. But does that mean they should just keep growing – or is there a point when they reach critical mass?
Six enduring brand building principles
Reading Time: 4 minutes Keep Calm and Carry On is a cultural marque in its own right, but in these turbulent times, it’s still good advice for those charged with looking to build brands.
Should you scale or should you grow?
Reading Time: < 1 minute In our latest article for Entrepreneur, Pete Canalichio and I explore the different demands of scaling your business vs growing your business. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses. Each works better in some sectors than others. Each has its own dynamics and makes its own demands. The full article is available here. Hope you […]